Tips On Looking Toward Retirement Income And Expenses
Have you worked long enough that you see retirement on the horizon? Are you going to have enough money?
Whether your nest egg is big or small, there are things you can do to reduce your expenses to help stretch your retirement savings.
One of the first things you should be doing is looking at your funds – things like money you have in a retirement account, funds in the bank, possibly a pension, and what you’ll get each year from Social Security.
That will be your income once you quit working. You should be checking now to see if those sources will meet your needs. Work out a future budget to see if your income will meet your expenses, factoring in monthly utility bills, house or car payments, and things you’d like to do, such as traveling. A good financial advisor can help you look ahead and make sure you’re including the right things.
Once you have that done, many experts suggest trying to live on your projected retirement income to see if you can do it. This experiment can help you determine if you’re going to be able to live within your means.
There are other things you can do as well that can reduce spending before you retire.
When it comes to big expenses, such as your house or car, it would be great if you had them paid off prior to retirement or shortly after. This can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars each month.
Review your insurance needs. Do you still need life and disability coverage? Is there a way to save money on car insurance? Are your health needs covered?
If you use your credit card regularly, get in the habit of paying your bill in full each month, so you’re not wasting money on interest charges.
Look for things like senior discounts or free things to do. Consider cutting back on how often you go out for meals or drinks. You’ll be amazed at how much you can save.
If travel is one of your goals in retirement, look at off-peak times when prices are likely to be discounted.
It will take some work, but with the right mindset and with good advice, it’s likely you’ll find ways to save money, cut costs and still have a great time in retirement.
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